Drama Curriculum Statement
Drama is an integral part of our curriculum and, in addition to exploring dramatic works in English, drama is taught as a discrete subject.
At Alpha, we teach drama to:
- develop speaking and listening skills and encourage the expression of ideas and feelings
- develop imagination and creativity
- provide opportunities to work collaboratively and to build skills of leadership, discussion and turn-taking
- develop pupils’ self-confidence and sense of self-worth
- develop pupils’ respect for each other through positive responses, careful listening and recognising the value of other people’s ideas
- develop theatre skills: oral and physical movement, characterisation, script reading and writing
- support classroom work in English and other subject areas
Drama is timetabled as a weekly lesson for each year group. Lessons take place in the music/drama room and the hall. During the year, pupils experience the three elements of drama - making, performing and responding – through a range of games, activities and extended projects. The drama curriculum provides for a progression of drama skills and a breadth of experiences. Drama also supports and complements work in English, the humanities, music and PSHE, and staff liaises closely to make specific cross-curricular links in their planning. Drama lends itself increasingly to the use of IT for creating and recording work.
Pupils are encouraged to share their work, whether in lessons, celebration assemblies, class assemblies or as part of larger projects such as the Year 6 play. All pupils participate actively in whole-school performances for Christmas and Speech Day. We enjoy established links with visiting theatre groups and visit theatres ourselves, including the Globe Theatre.
The clearest measurement of the impact of drama teaching at Alpha is in the quality and breadth of the pupils’ oracy skills. Drama strategies such as exploring character and motive will also be evident in their work for the humanities and PSHE.
Class assemblies and annual school productions demonstrate the pupils’ communication skills and theatre skills; pupils are enthusiastic about performing, whether alone or as part of an ensemble, and they respond warmly and encouragingly to the performances of their peers, in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
At Alpha we celebrate the creativity of our children; participation in a broad, balanced and well-integrated drama curriculum gives the children an outlet for that creativity while building confidence in themselves and their abilities. Drama gives us the words to express our opinions, our questions, our doubts and our worries. The study of drama provides safe spaces to explore issues. It enables us to step outside ourselves, to step into the shoes of others, and it gives us wings. Our children are able to articulate their thoughts and feelings clearly in conversation with their peers, with staff, with visiting adults and in interview situations.