Alpha Preparatory School

  1. About Alpha
  2. School Policies

School Policies

 Curriculum Policy (Reviewed January 2025).pdfDownload
 E Safety Policy (Reviewed January 2025).pdfDownload
 Equal Opportunities Policy (Reviewed February 2023).pdfDownload
 First Aid and Healthcare Policy (Reviewed September 2024).pdfDownload
 Health and Safety Policy (Reviewed January 2025).pdfDownload
 Marking and Feedback Policy (Reviewed January 2025).pdfDownload
 Privacy Notice (Reviewed February 2023).pdfDownload
 PSHE Relationships and Sex Education Policy (Reviewed November 2024).pdfDownload
 Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (reviewed September 2024).pdfDownload
 SENDA -Three Year Accessibility Plan (Reviewed January 2025).pdfDownload
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